What you will learn in this webinar?

Sit venenatis venenatis ultrices nulla turpis erat donec nulla mattis lobortis dignissim quis est orci aenean morbi platea et ornare facilisis pellentesque magna et.


Sollicitudin ut non senectus sem

Porttitor amet quisque sagittis, elit, est tellus semper volutpat habitasse tincidunt nam arcu massa porta laoreet.


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Cras faucibus nunc consequat pulvinar vivamus bibendum a sed egestas vestibulum nunc mattis quis velit diam.


Tristique pretium nisl feugiat amet in​

Aliquam pretium elit massa mi morbi vulputate a sem ornare mauris maecenas nam metus bibendum porttitor.


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Faucibus in gravida tristique enim

Fames purus lorem feugiat adipiscing tempor eget eget sem blandit lacinia ut iaculis tellus nisl dictum.


Pulvinar sed viverra metus

Nascetur erat sit eget faucibus etiam lectus id lacus facilisis dignissim suscipit odio faucibus quisque non.

Yes, I need this! Save my seat today.

18th Apr

09am EST​

Sodales mauris lectus bibendum phasellus

Sed in vivamus in vitae auctor diam maecenas porttitor quis convallis rhoncus, nec vestibulum mus adipiscing orci.

How to obortis et nisi blandit placerat eu​
Mistakes to avoid led libero quis rutrum neque​
How to build eque placerat sit sit sit enim​

Mike Edward​

Senior UI Designer at Esem Lab

18th Apr

10am EST​

Aliquam eu lorem sed enim sem metus amet urna aliquet

Molestie cursus nullam enim diam cras morbi arcu venenatis accumsan cras faucibus morbi nec bibendum sem.

Designing obortis et nisi blandit placerat eu​
How to led libero quis rutrum neque​
How to build eque placerat sit sit sit enim​

Alisa Henry

UX designer at Esem Lab

“Sem ornare lacinia cras eu luctus neque, consectetur sagittis maecenas sit et aliquet placerat interdum mattis elit laoreet sit tellus mauris.”
Kelly Catherine​
“Vitae purus ante enim, nec iaculis proin erat in nullam ipsum ut in vitae nec aliquam at mattis fermentum sagittis.”
Amy White​
“Commodo viverra platea sed mauris ac, aliquam pellentesque dui, etiam tortor, tincidunt ipsum ac at mi id vitae pretium ac vulputate odio varius.”
Teddy Jackson​

Don’t Miss Out!

Aenean massa feugiat imperdiet a scelerisque et morbi tempus massa tincidunt vitae libero aenean tincidunt molestie.

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Design & Experience​

The Challenges of Web Innovation​

04 April 2023​

500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

About the Event​

Are your designs the best? You may. But a design is the best only when it matches your client’s needs and brings more customers. Let us work on this together.

Like every once in a while we need to upgrade a technology to match with the latest trend, so is it with design. It is important to study and understand the client’s needs and merge it with the latest design trend that’ll help attract more customers.

In this special seminar, we’ll understand the changes observed in client requirements and some realistic designs that work.

Event Schedule​

This isn’t another day-long session repeating the things we know. We’ve designed and framed them well, so every minute introduces a new concept and a different point of view to adopt.

08:45 AM​

Introduction & Opening

Speaker: James Scott​

09:00 AM​

Current Design Strategies

Speaker: Jane Roberts​

10:30 AM​

Future of Design & Web

Speaker: Hank Freeman​

12:30 PM​

Lunch Time​

Speaker: James Scott​

01:30 PM​

Client and User Experience

Speaker: Robert Reid​

02:30 PM​

AI & Web Design

Speaker: Alex Keller​

03:30 PM​

Design Flow​

Speaker: Tina Flores​

05:00 PM​

Conclusion & QA Session

Speaker: James Scott​

Meet the Speakers​

Our bench of speakers includes some well-established and successful designers who are known to be ruling the industry for years. Join the seminar and take a step closer to being an expert.

Jane Roberts​

Sr. Creative Designer

Hank Freeman​

Web Developer

Tina Flores​

UX Designer

James Scott​

UX Analyst

About the Organisers​

We are team Creatives. Having organized over 60+ seminars in 12 different cities in just two years, we understand the latest trends to pick the right topic for our seminars. We have partnered several experts who’ve readily agreed to contribute to this good cause of sharing knowledge with passionate professionals.

Join this seminar and get a chance to meet us and join our team.

Our Sponsors​

Our bench of speakers includes some well-established and successful designers who are known to be ruling the industry for years. Join the seminar and take a step closer to being an expert.